Friday, May 29

Bonnie and I just got home from the temple where we went through an endowment session and did sealings afterwards. Brother Jensen (former temple President after Bonnie's father) was doing the sealings and made it feel very personal for the people we were representing. All in all, a wonderful evening. We had to rush home to feed Lancelot his 6:00 dinner and insulin at 10:00. I went to the Dr. today because I've been having a lot of lower back pain on one side for the last few weeks and it has been getting worse this last week. Dr. suspects a herniated disk or possibly a kidney stone. So now I have to take a muscle relaxant and hope it will straighten itself back up. Bonnie is supposed to be recovered from her sinus infection, but her cough is still present. She thinks it may be allergies. I got her a Ford Minivan (used) and she seems to be pretty happy. Just in time to make sure she has air conditioning for the summer. We are going to drive down and visit Michael on Sunday and Jordyn will stay with us afterwards. Katie called to say her ex-boyfriend is pressing some charges against her for cashing his paycheck. Katie's story is that he wrote her and told her to do that to pay for some of the bills (she was staying at his place) but when he got out they split up and the letter didn't make it out with her stuff, so she has no proof. When she was first contacted she told them she had cashed the check with Mike's permission. Anyway it boils down to rather than risk getting convicted of a felony she is going to agree to a suspended sentence and two-year probation and a deferred sentence, so that if she completes the program, the conviction goes away. Of course if she gets in trouble or violates the probation requirements she is automatically guilty and begins to serve her jail sentence. Pretty scary. She’s also motivated to get out so rather than fight it so she can take care of her dog, Aela. That’s a quick update before I take my sore back to bed!