On Monday while our car was being cleaned Bonnie and Megan started the set up of Megans new "office", her classroom where she will soon begin her teaching career. A lot of interior decorating, but even I must admit it made a big difference and had a more "pleasant" and "organized" feel to the room when they were done.
We had the car checked out by a Dodge dealer and picked it up Tuesday afternoon. After running around for a few last minute errands, we loaded it up and dropped by the previous owner's home to return his license plates. From there we left to get on the freeway- and then the next adventure began.
Although the van had been working just fine up to that moment, upon re-entering the freeway that day, it would not shift into overdrive. Then it began to overheat and then, deja vu, it began to smoke because there was oil leaking badly and being blown onto the hot exhaust. We got off the freeway and thanks to the new GPS found a transmission shop less than half a mile away. To make a long story short, we made many calls, had a very earnest prayer and upon returning to the freeway everything functioned the way it was supposed to.
We stopped in West Jordan to see the "house the Wetherbee's built" and met the current owners. It was fun to see the mature trees we had planted 30 years ago. We had some of the cherries. Sadly the almond trees had finally given up the ghost.
We made the rest of the trip to Rexburg without incident. , where we had a front crankshaft seal and a water pump replaced. Another blessing to be able to get right in and have it fixed the next morning and for a very reasonable rate. Reed, the mechanic/owner was a man of few words and when I thanked him for getting us right in all he had to say was, "Been there. Didn't like it".
We left for Twin Falls, ID that night and camped there so we could visit Shoshone falls (taller than Niagra falls).
We made it to friends Dave & DeAnn Lee in Camas, WA (Portland, Or/Vancouver, WA area). Dave and I went out and killed a bunch of paper with his arsenal. As I suspected it is much harder to be very consistent when my vision makes the gun sights all blurry! I really enjoyed Dave's model 1911 .45 side arm. I may have to look for the Argentine version when we get to South America. We also enjoyed a nice boat ride where Bonnie got to ski and I got to pull a ham string trying to get out of the water. Alas, the ravages of age!
After church on Sunday we visited Sarah, her mother, Marcia, and Sarah's daughter Krysalynne, who was a little shy but is very rambunctious and will likely be very athletic. Beautiful blue eyes and a delightful laugh and smile.
We visited some other old Salem friends of mine, and had a very pleasant time with Dee and Janet Carlson as we caught up on kids and such.
We have finally arrived at Bonnie's parent's and visited several beaches and even waded into the near freezing water of the Oregon portion of the Pacific ocean. Definitely windy and cool. 60 degree weather when it is warm and 50's over night. Bonnie's sister, Shawna got in yesterday, Tuesday, with her daughter, Briana. Bonnie's brother, Steve, should arrive in a few hours with his family of four daughters. In the meantime, we are enjoying tasty Oregon blueberries and cherries as well as a wonderful local ice cream- Tillamook ice cream.